Updates & Process


Last update: 08/14/2023


In Review

Made the final updates based on the feedback.


Updating the website's content and removing unnecessary elements from pages.

Website Review


Website is being reviewed and waiting for approval to move to the next steps.

Review Preparation


Making final adjustments and changes to all pages before the review. Checking if all copy was added to pages as requested. Checking if all buttons and links are working. Making sure the request a demo form works correctly. Improving website for mobile and tablet devices. Making sure the website is shown in a correct way when searching for it on Google. Emailing the content or information I still need for the site.

Privacy Policy


Privacy Policy page has been built. The content has been added the page. Adjusted the content on mobile and tablet devices to make it more readable. Instead of creating a table (which usually is not a good practice in web design), I created a PDF file for the table people can open or download.

Audits Page


MyAudits page has been built, 99% of the page is done. Still needs small adjustments which will be taken care of when all pages are built and when it's time to go through the website to check errors.

Audits 1.1

Added images as shown in the document. Made sure that the page looks good on mobile and tablet devices. Replaced some colors with other brand colors to make it different from other pages. Also added testimonials and one features section to the page to make it feel less empty. Need content for it.

Audits 1.0

The structure of the Customized Audits is built. Added the content to the page, believe we need a little more content about the audits otherwise the page might feel a little empty. Added meta information that will show the page in an appropriate way in Google Search. Connected buttons and links.

Customized Audits

Page created for Customized Audits.

IPAC Managment


IPAC Management page has been built, 99% of the page is done. Still needs small adjustments which will be taken care of when all pages are built and when it's time to go through the website to check errors.

IPAC Page 1.1

Adjusted the page for the mobile and tablet devices. Connected the page with the homepage. Added the PDFs in the last block as shown in the document. Linked the homepage and IPAC page together. Added META information so the website would show in an appropriate way when searching on Google.

IPAC Page 1.0


The structure of IPAC Management page is built. Added the content from the document to the page. Added images for different blocks as shown in the document. Made sure that different buttons have hover animation so you can understand when you go over them with your mouse.

IPAC Management

Page created for IPAC Management.



Homepage build has been completed. Icons added where necessary. Brand colors used all over the site, took inspiration from the website example sent. Links and buttons on the same page taking people where necessary. Homepage optimized for mobile and tablet devices. Still need to connect links that take to other pages and make other small adjustments, but the homepage is 99% done.

Homepage 1.1

Images updated. Request a demo buttons are taking to the contact form at the bottom of the page. The header and footer adjusted as described in the document, might need another variation of the logo that works on dark backgrounds too. Request a demo form updated, added a few more fields as requested.

Homepage 1.0


The structure of the homepage built, website's content added. Adjusted different font sizes, spacing in general, and built a few new blocks that were not included in the template. The colors of HealthConnex not being used. Buttons not connected. Mobile view not optimized. Images not added.


Building the log page to make following the updates and the process easier. Going through the documents and content that was prepared beforehand. Setting up HealthConnex fonts and colors.


Template purchased.
